人文社会科学学院(公共管理学院)学术写作工作坊(Research Writing Workshops)聚焦社会科学研究方法培训,旨在培养逻辑思维和批判性思维,提升写作表达和学术发表能力。课程内容覆盖学术论文从研究设计到发表的全过程,围绕论文选题、理论构建、实证分析、研究方法和评审过程等主题展开。
1. 为学生提供学术论文写作能力培训和发表建议;
2. 主要聚焦以下五种能力培养:
授课研讨模块:每周四 晚上 19:30-21:00
写作实操模块:每周日 上午 08:30-10:00
英 文 介 绍
This course is an intensive workshop focusing on training graduate and PhD students to conduct social science research and to publish their pet publications. The aim is to develop and refine causally solid, theoretically informed articles to be published in good publishing outlets. With ambitious aims come strong demands for students’ effort, commitment and learning ability. The course is a mixture of multiple research design, including survey method, experimental methods and others.
Knowing the basics of research design is required. Students will need to have some familiarity with statistical concepts and software. Data, however, is not necessarily warranted. The workshop will cover the full process of academic publishing, including topic selection, conducting research, developing theories, and discussing conclusions. In addition, the workshop will discuss the review process and other pertinent topics.
I ask that students that take my courses abide by three rules, and, in return, I will do the same:
Work hard. Commit a specific amount of time to writing
Be respectful. Disagree in a disagreeable manner
Do not complain. Do not create toxic environment
The instructor will provide detailed mentoring subject to request during both the class sessions and writing sessions.
1.Research design process: where to begin? Relationships, Relationships, Relationships.
2.Literature and meta-analysis: reproducibility.
3.Research methods: experiment and regressions.
4.Publishing and review process: publishable.
Here are the rules for joining the writing session.
1.feel free to join in or exit as you like. But set a time goal, be 15, 30 0r 60 minutes.
2.No need to talk, no need to turn on your camera, no need to get feedback. It is silent. You should mute yourself. Before you join in, find a quiet place to start with.
3.I will reserve some time to answer your questions should you have, but that is only at the end of the session. I will be doing writing throughout the time, with the camera on.
4.If you need company, this would be a good opportunity. You can come to see how I may be struggling with writing. But again, it is optional.

苏徐红,美国田纳西大学公共政策与公共事务学院教授。毕业于美国佐治亚大学公共行政与公共政策系,师从美国著名公共行政学家Barrγ Bozeman教授。主要研究领域为公共管理与科技政策。
在公共管理领域,研究政府雇员的职业路径与服务动机,人事政策评估以及治理绩效与挑战,研究成果发表于公共行政领域的各类顶级期刊,包括Journal of public Administration Research and Theory, Public Admintration Review, American Public Administration Review and Internationa| Review of Public Administration.
在科技政策方面,主要研究美国科技人事的路径,组织与绩效。研究成果发表于 Research Policy, Journal of Technology Transfer, Journal of higher Education, Researchn Higher Education, Higher Education, Higher Education Policy等顶级期刊。
授 课 地 点

