近日,北京航空航天大学人文社会科学学院(公共管理学院)聂晨副教授作为通讯作者的文章《Social media use, social bot literacy, perceived threats from bots, and perceived bot control: a moderated-mediation model》在SSCI、SCIE期刊《Behaviour & Information Technology》上发表。本研究关注实施用户赋权策略,采用政策干预和教育培训等方式提升公众素养,以抵御社交机器人对舆论操控产生的负面影响,文章全文链接如下:
【摘要】The rapid development and widespread presence of social bots online has been transforming users’ online news environment. This study adopts a human-centered perspective to investigate the impact of individuals’ social media usage experiences on their social bot literacy, perception of threats posed from bots, and perceived social bot control within the context of China. We collected data from surveying 1159 Sina Weibo users and conducting interviews among 20 participants. The data were used to examine (1) the relationship between social media use and social bot literacy and perceived bot control, (2) the mediating role of social bot literacy between social media use and perceived bot control, and (3) the moderating role of perceived threat from bots in this relationship. The results of the analysis suggested a significant moderated mediation model in which social bot literacy mediated the correlation between social media use and perceived bot control and individuals’ perceived threat further moderated this relationship. Specifically, for those with a higher level of perceived threat, their indirect effect of social media use was lower compared to those with a lower level of perceived threat from bots.