代表性论文 [*通讯作者]
lZhao, L.B., Packard, S., McMurray, B., & Gupta, P. (2019). Semantic similarity influences the learning of phonological word forms: Evidence from concurrent word learning. Cognition, 190: 42-60. (impact factor 3.4, JCR Q1)
lZhao, L.B., Chen, C.H., Shao, L.Y., Xiao, X.X., Yang, J.F., Chen, C.S., & Xue, G. (2017). Orthographic and phonological representations in the fusiform cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 27(11): 5197-5210. (impact factor 6.3, JCR Q1)
lZhao, L.B.,Cosman, J., Gupta, P., & Vecera, S. (2014). Visual statistical learning can drive object-based attentional selection. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics,76:2240–2248. (impact factor 1.7, JCR Q2)
1.Zhao, L.B., Yuan, S.S., Guo, Y., Wang, S., Chen, C.S, & Zhang, S.D*. (2020). Inhibitory control is associated with the activation of output-driven competitors in a spoken word recognition task. Journal of General Psychology. (SSCI, JCR Q4) DOI:10.1080/00221309.2020.1771675
2.Zhao, L.B., Packard, S., McMurray, B., & Gupta, P.*(2019). Semantic similarity influences the learning of phonological word forms: Evidence from concurrent word learning. Cognition, 190: 42-60. (impact factor 3.4, JCR Q1)
3.Zhang, S.D., Xia, X.N., Fei, L., Zhao, L.B.*, &Chen, C.H. * (2019), Study on Visual and Auditory Perception Characteristics of Children with Different Type of Mathematics Learning Disability. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education. DOI: 10.1080/1034912X.2019.1634248
4.Zhang, S.D., Xia, X.N., Li, S.M, Shen, L.L., Liu, J.L., Zhao, L.B.*, & Chen, C.H. *(2019). Using technology-based learning tool to train facial expressionrecognition and emotion understanding skills of Chinese pre-schoolers with autismspectrum disorder, International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 65(5), 378-386, DOI:10.1080/20473869.2019.1656384
5.Zhao, L.B.*, Chen, Y.T., & Wang, S. (2019). Modeling Learning and Memory Using Molecular Dynamics. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 30, No. 4.
6.Zhang, S.D., Li, F., Zhao, L.B.*, Xie, L., Zhao, H.*(2018), The developmental changes of number processing and calculation abilities in Chinese primary school students. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14(7), 2745-2756
7.袁姗姗、张嘉容、赵丽波*.语义相似性对单词语音学习的影响. 现代外语, 2018, 41(2): 222-234.
8.赵丽波*、刘丽、袁姗姗、林婉洁、魏硕池.汉语阅读困难儿童的抑制控制研究. 中国特殊教育, 2018, 2: 38-44.
9.Zhao, L.B., Chen, C.H., Shao, L.Y., Xiao, X.X., Yang, J.F., Chen, C.S., & Xue, G.*(2017). Orthographic and phonological representations in the fusiform cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 27(11): 5197-5210. (impact factor6.8, JCR Q1)
10.Xue, H.L., Zhao, L.B., Wang, Y.P., Dong, Q., Chen, C.S., & Xue, G*. (2017). Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation over the left temporoparietal cortex facilitates assembled phonology. Trends in Neuroscience and Education.8-9: 10-17.
11.赵丽波、张悦、于祎雯、邓丽芳*. 提取引起的遗忘的认知机制. 心理科学进展, 2017,25 (10): 1738-1748.
12.Zhao, L.B., Cosman, J., Gupta, P., & Vecera, S. * (2014). Visual statistical learning can drive object-based attentional selection. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics,76: 2240-2248.
13.Davis, E., Greenberger, E., Chen, C., Charles, S., Chen, C., Zhao, L.B., & Dong, Qi*. (2012). Emotion experience and regulation in China and the United States: How do culture and gender shape emotion responding? International Journal of Psychology, 47(3), 230-239.
14.Chen, C., Xue, G., Dong, Qi*, Zhen, J., Li, T., Xue, F., Zhao, L.B., & Guo Y. (2007). Sex determines the neurofunctional predictors of language learning efficiency. Neuropsychologia, 45(4):741-747.
15.He, Q., Zhao, L.B., Li, H., Yang, Q., Huang, S., & Dong, Qi*. (2007) Language experience modulates visual word processing: Evidence from an fMRI training study. Progress in Natural Science, 17 (13): 186-187.
1.McMurray, B., Zhao, L.B., Kucker, S.C, & Samuelson, L.K. (2012). Pushing the envelope of associative learning: Internal representations and dynamic competition transform association into development. In G. Hollich & L. Gogate (Eds). Theoretical and Computational Models of Word Learning: Trends in Psychology and Artificial Intelligence (pp.47-80). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
l北京市社科基金,现代多元媒体环境下首都儿童阅读障碍的成因分析及干预模式探索 (No.15JYC034) ,主持,2015-2018。
l北京航空航天大学“蓝天新秀”项目,抑制控制在汉字阅读中的作用(No. 29816234),主持,2016。